What Types of Damages Can You Recover in a Mass Tort Lawsuit?

When it comes to recovering damages in a mass tort lawsuit, the amount of compensation you can receive will depend on the severity of your injuries. Experienced mass tort lawyers understand the scientific and medical evidence associated with these cases.

What Types of Damages Can You Recover in a Mass Tort Lawsuit?

When it comes to recovering damages in a mass tort lawsuit, the amount of compensation you can receive will depend on the severity of your injuries. This could include medical expenses, loss of income, reduced earning capacity, disability, disfigurement, pain and suffering, and emotional distress. For instance, if you experienced a minor injury, you likely won't receive the same compensation as someone who suffered a life-threatening complication.Mass tort litigation is often used to resolve cases involving medical devices that were not subject to FDA review prior to 1976. If a mass tort case is resolved by creating a compensation fund, the remaining litigation can be handled through a claims service. This type of lawsuit raises questions about how rewards are distributed among the large number of people involved.When it comes to mass torts, each plaintiff is still treated as an individual.

The media and plaintiff law firms have played a role in filing these types of lawsuits. Experienced mass tort lawyers understand the scientific and medical evidence associated with these cases and can provide effective representation. Product liability law has also given victims of mass-injured accidents the opportunity to sue product manufacturers.Participating in a class action for tort has many benefits, including being able to manage many of the pre-trial proceedings together with other plaintiffs and to share the research, findings, resources and ideas of others. However, global resolutions are difficult to achieve in mass tort litigation.

Courts and parties may try to make partial resolutions by guaranteeing payment for cases filed against certain defendants or in certain jurisdictions.The Federal Tort Claims Act of 1947 also allows grievances to be brought against individuals who act on behalf of the federal government and have caused harm to an individual. A mass tort is similar to a class action lawsuit, in which a single act committed by one person causes injuries to another group of people. For example, if the release of a drug causes various injuries to a large number of people, individual grievances can be grouped into a class action tort lawsuit.